What is Dissociative Amnesia?

What is Dissociative Amnesia?

Dissociative amnesia, known before as psychogenic amnesia, is a condition in which people cannot recall valuable information about their life. People who suffer from a traumatic or stressful event in life often develop dissociative amnesia. In some extreme cases, people may be unable to recall most or all their personal information, such as their history, name, and friends.

This may lead them to travel to another destination and adopt a new identity. However, the severity of dissociative amnesia differs from person to person and sometimes prevents them from functioning normally, maintaining relationships, and performing work. If you suspect your loved one may have developed dissociative amnesia, you must look out for specific symptoms.

The Symptoms of Dissociative Amnesia

The symptoms of dissociative amnesia include:

  • Localized — Memory loss affects certain parts of an individual’s life or areas of knowledge, such as a specific duration of their youth or information about a colleague or friend.
  • Generalized — Memory loss affects significant areas of a person’s life and identity, such as the inability to recognize their job, friends, family, and more.
  • Fugue — A person adopts a new identity as they cannot recognize anyone from their past life, family, colleagues, and friends, and cannot explain who they are.

People who suspect their loved ones have developed dissociative amnesia should seek a medical professional who provides dissociative amnesia therapy in Kansas City.

Dissociative Amnesia Treatment

Dissociative amnesia treatment primarily aims to alleviate the symptoms and control any behavioral problem. The therapy aims to help people express and process their painful memories, develop new life and coping skills, improve relationships, and restore functioning. The following are some treatments for dissociative amnesia:

  • Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Medical
  • Family therapy
  • Creative therapies, such as music and art therapy
  • Clinical hypnosis

If someone you know suffers from dissociative amnesia, you must find a medical professional with experience administering dissociative amnesia treatment in Kansas City.

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